Today I am going to shake things up a little bit and share guilty pleasure tidbits about myself.
Soap Opera
I watch The Young & The Restless every single day. I have been watching this show since I was born, literally. My Mom's side of the family all watch Y&R, even my Uncles and Grandpa! In our family we call it "the show." I was home-schooled during elementary school so I watched it with my Mom and Grandma during the day, usually while we were in the swimming pool. My Grandma has a small black and white TV that she would bring out to the pool and we would lounge on rafts and watch "the show." FAST FORWARD. I still watch "the show" today, with my DVR of course so I can ignore the commercials. Mr. Foodie even watches it with me most of the time.
More Guilty Pleasures.....
Pickle Juice
I don't think this needs much explaining, but I really love pickle juice from the jar.
Extra Anchovies on a Caesar Salad
Project Runway and The Next Food Network Star I tell myself that because these shows include a "real" competitive element that they aren't "Reality TV." Delusional.
Parking my car and seeing my cats in the window sill ready for me to walk in the door and give them some love.
Freshly Laundered Sheets are my Fave
Back Scratches from Mr. Foodie. I'll take one any time any where.
Facebook Stalking my friends and people from high school and college I don't talk to anymore.
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