Newlyweds: Thoughts on the subject....
1. Things do change once you get married. My husband and I have been in each other's lives for 10 years. We even lived together for several years before we got married. I thought I knew exactly what to expect after the "I Do." Fortunately or unfortunately, however you want to look at it, marriage brings a whole new set of goals, issues, demands, etc. I think change is a good thing, especially in a marriage. As individuals we are constantly growing up (or down, or sideways). At the same time we are growing as a couple. The key to success is to keep growing toward each other.
2. I swear my husband got dirtier once we got married. He has always been a messy person. I thought I had accepted this. Unfortunately he has regressed once he started wearing the wedding band. All those habits you thought you had accepted seem to surface again.
3. There are many times when I think I couldn't possibly love him any more than I do. It seems that I love him more and more every day. I know it sounds cheesy but I can't help it.
4. Compromise, known as the "C Word" in our house is critical to a good marriage. How do you think I end up watching Star Trek: Deep Space Nine from start to finish?
5. When does one stop being a newlywed? After 1 year, 2, or 5? I think a couple should always stay newlyweds. Mr. Foodie and I regularly look at our wedding photos and gush about how perfect our wedding day really was. We can both say that it was the best day of our lives and we wouldn't change a thing (except maybe the weather). Talking about you wedding day and looking at photos helps to keep the spark alive.
6. Food nourishes the soul. Make time to eat dinner together. Turn the dang TV off and actually have dinner together at the dining room table. It sounds so simple, but can be a powerful thing. On days I feel stressed and overwhelmed I make a nice dinner and invite Mr. Foodie to sit at the table with me and enjoy our food together.
7. Speaking of TV. I think that television is the downfall of family and marriage in the United States. Mr. Foodie spends way too much time in front of the TV. It hinders him from doing all of the things he is supposed to do (i.e. housework, paying bills) and from achieving his personal goals (i.e. working out, obtaining his private pilots license). I have to admit that I have considered breaking our TV, disconnecting the cable, etc. on several occasions. My personal fantasy is a home without a television in it. Any good ideas for limiting TV intake?
8. I am obsessed with everything wedding. I would love to be a wedding planner. I am seriously considering a wedding planning side business. Mr. Foodie's cousin is getting married next spring. I want to ask her if I could assist with the planning (especially the day of) to get some experience under my belt. I just might do it, and see where this goes.
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