Tuesday, September 8, 2009


What is Blut?
It is a noun?
A verb?
A body part?

Blut = Blogging + Rut, or a Blogging Rut

Webster's Dictionary defines it as the lack of witty things in blog posting. Uninspired topics. A state of blandness and mediocrity. A disease affecting millions of newly formed blogs in cyberspace.

I am close to hitting 100 posts and I find myself running out of things to say. This brings up several more fundamental questions: 1. Is my life THAT boring that I can't find things to type about to complete strangers? 2. Is this some type of blogging litmus test? 3. Will I pass?

After a thorough scan of the literature, the prognosis for my Blut diagnosis looks good. I am instructed to follow a strict regimen containing the following:
1. Positivity - Live it, Breathe it, Be it
2. Don't give up on the things I like to do and replace them with moping, TV, and sleeping/picking fights with husband.
3. Get this whole job mess sorted out. Do you know how it feels for a control freak like myself to not know what's coming next? Really.... *I just had a physical reaction to typing the previous sentence: Teeth grinding, jaw clenching, tense muscles. I <3 anxiety.

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