Wednesday, September 9, 2009


I just got back from the dentist office where I FINALLY got my permanent crown put on. This whole root canal/crown business has cost me about $600 out of pocket (I have dental insurance) and at least a full day's work. Not to mention the discomfort and annoyance that has gone on for about a month.

Enough complaining....

I do have some good news. Mr. Foodie and I are going to go see our city's symphony perform Oklahoma with my grandparents. We call them "Grandma and Grandpa." My Grandmother loves musicals and brought me up singing and dancing all of the time. We are going to a nice dinner ahead of time, and then taking a shuttle to the symphony center.

Mr. Foodie and I are very lucky because we both have awesome families that get along very well. We enjoy spending time with the grandparents on both sides which is refreshing. Also... I know some of you out there might think I am crazy, but, I love my Mother-in-law like my own Mom. She is one of my best friends, and I don't know what i would do without her. I guess that is what happens when you meet your future mother-in-law at 15...

So here's a toast to all the mothers out there - Thanks for all you do.

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