Friday, June 5, 2009

Back in town

Flew home from Chicago last night and back in the office today. Looking forward to home-cooked meals this weekend. I am having dinner with a friend from out of town tonight who is a vegetarian so that always makes things interesting. Mr. Foodie still doesn't "Understand" vegetarians, and yes this is his phrase-ology....

That reminds me of a story. Mr. Foodie went through a vegetarian phase in elementary school until a certain event..... the Double Big Mac came on the market. Isn't that ironic?

Food plans for the weekend:
I am going to make Alton Brown's Coq au Vin recipe. I will provide all the details, photos, and a review afterwards. I have selected a great Pinot Noir to get with it and will review that as well.

I would like to make a summer fruit dessert of some kind. Maybe a cobbler in the iron skillet. Iron Skillets rock my world. Inexpensive and awesome at conducting heat. You could survive with an iron skillet as your only pot/pan. Any budget kitchen should include an iron skillet. Also - you gotta go with the Lodge Logic brand. Mr. Foodie loves the show "how it's made" on the Science Channel. We saw an episode all about iron skillets, and Lodge Logic is the best choice.

No food weekend would be complete without a trip to Whole Foods, so I might venture out if the weather is nice.

While I was out of town my latest issue of Cooks Illustrated arrived so I can't wait to check it out. I will comment on that later.

Best Dishes (as Paula would say)

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