Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Life Update

A couple things I wanted to share with you all this morning:

1. I went to the dentist yesterday to get my permanent crown and the dentist chipped a minute piece of porcelain off so they have to send it back to the lab and I have to go back to the dentist. I am a little annoyed at this. I am so tired of going to that dentist office and missing time from work.

2. I have my interview tomorrow at 11AM with an awesome job prospect. I am nervous about it and excited at the same time. If this works out I will be so happy, I can barely control myself.

3. Mr. Foodie loved the Pottery Barn glasses. He was so excited and surprised that I found them.

4. College Football starts this weekend. We are spending Saturday with my parents eating ribs and watching the games.

I have had horrible nightmares all of this week. I am attributing it to a new allergy medicine the Doctor has me taking. I normally have nightmares occasionally, but nothing like this. Usually side effects like this are short-lived so I am confident it will end soon. I will just have to stick it out until then!

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