Monday, July 6, 2009

Back in the swing of things...

Whenever we go away for the weekend it is always hard to get back to normal life. We had such a great time this weekend it is difficult for me to concentrate on work. This is especially true when I am leaving for San Francisco on Thursday. I am also working on making plans for our October Chicago trip. I am glad to be busy because it keeps me motivated.

I visited my college town this weekend and it brought back many memories. It is amazing how places and spaces can trigger emotions. I am very happy with the way my life is now with Mr. Foodie. I feel like we have evolved into our own selves more than we were back then. I also see this in my friends. We are all much more content with our own choices, quirks, personality, etc. I think it is lovely. Mr. Foodie and I are lucky to be surrounded by friends that are truly special. The future looks bright for all of us!

I have several personal goals for today. They say that writing things down helps you visualize your goals and makes you more likely to achieve them. Here goes...

1. Laundry
2. Begin packing for SF
3. Choose a recipe for tonight
4. Grocery Store
5. Make a healthy dinner

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