Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Happy Wednesday

I didn't post yesterday because I spent my time customizing my blog. I created my header in Photoshop and I am very excited about it. Luckily there are many resources on the web that walk us newbies through the process. I am not especially creative in the design arena (using Photoshop from scratch) but I am pretty proud of myself and happy with the header.

I saw my new therapist last Friday. This lady is super cool and very smart. She has taught me several coping strategies for dealing with my anxiety, etc. One of the key things to understand is that I control my happiness, not other people. This includes Mr. Foodie. I have to stop myself from letting his inaction cause me unhappiness. All he has been doing for the past week is sleeping when he gets home from work, sometimes 12 hours or more. I just don't understand this. Plus he has been super messy and not helpful around the house. I am tempted to create a blog entitled "My Husband is the messiest person alive." Wives/girlfriends could post pictures on the blog with a contest for the messiest man. Ha Ha! Wouldn't that be funny?

On a more positive note.... I am doing much better. Whenever I begin to get mad at Mr. Foodie I just ask myself one simple question "Is this making me happy?" Depending on the answer, I act accordingly. I have to re-train myself to take control of my life instead of letting another person who constantly lets me down impact my happiness level. I have much to be thankful for and should focus on that every day.

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