Wednesday, July 29, 2009


I love my cat. If I could be an animal for a day I would be a black kitty cat like my Southpaw. He is always relaxed. He loves to have fun. I wish I could get excited about catnip like he does.

It is thundering outside.

Mr. Foodie is forcing me to watch the third Matrix movie. I am going to seriously intervene in the Netflix queue because he is making bad choices. The only thing that gets me through his movie choices is a drink. I am currently enjoying a Mimosa.

Mr. Foodie entices me to watch the movie with memories of the past. The Matrix was the first movie we ever saw together, back in 10th grade, when we were 15 and just met. Okay fine.... his charm has worked on me again. Going to watch the movie and sneak in some kisses!

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