Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Back from the Dead

I have officially re-entered the human race again. I have been sick for over 5 days with various ailments:
1. Severe and sudden back ache that occurred with no warning on Saturday
2. Sore Throat and Couch
3. Root Canal that took 4 hours to complete because my tooth had 4 roots instead of the normal 2 roots.
4. TMJ Inflammation and Headache associated with the dental work.

I have been sleeping and in pain for days now, but I am finally feeling better. Tonight I was able to do some housework and even cooked dinner. I made one of my favorite comfort dishes: Split Pea Soup. This soup is very good, actually I am eating some right now. The best thing is that there is little fat, and it is high in protein and vegetables. If anyone would like the recipe just let me know.

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