Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Random Thoughts

Hello everyone out there - Hello to anyone who is reading...

Today's post is going to be about random things. First, my husband has never read my blog and this bothers me. Every time I ask him about it he says "I live the blog, why should I have to read it." Second, I am trying to get my sister to start a blog. She keeps talking about it but hasn't taken the plunge.

The chicken I made last night turned out pretty bad. Mr. Foodie refused to eat it. It really disappoints me when a recipe doesn't turn out well. Thanks alot Giada! Luckily we had leftovers from Monday evening... When a recipe doesn't turn out I take it as a personal offense to my cooking skills and it really bothers me. I need to get over it.

I am seriously thinking about getting a personal trainer. There is a new gym right next to my house that I drive by every day on my way home from work. I just need to take the plunge and get in shape. Relying on my husband for any help is just not working. I need to take matters into my own hands.

Also - I can't stand my job any more. I am so tired of doing the same stupid stuff over and over again. I need a challenge and I am not getting that. Plus I am underpaid and disrespected by my boss constantly. I applied for two jobs today so hopefully someone will call me back. I am so tired of working here I can hardly stand it.

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